1 Lotus Install 2 Install is not yet complete.\n\nIf you exit now, this software will not be correctly installed for use.\n\nExit Install? 3 There are no files in the Copy List to install! 4 Cannot open the .INF file '%s' 5 Cannot read the .INF file '%s' 6 The .INF file '%s' is missing a Source Media Description for diskette number %d. 7 File Description error in .INF file '%s': You cannot specify both Copy and Remove (%s). 8 File Description error in .INF file '%s': You cannot specify Append if you have also specified Rename, Root, or Backup (%s). 9 File Description error in .INF file '%s': You cannot specify Rename if you have also specified Root or Append (%s). 10 The .INF file '%s' does not start with a section label. Check to see if it is corrupted - Line #%d. 11 The .INF file '%s' contains a [Source Media Description] line that does not have enough fields - Line #%d. 12 The [Source Media Description] fields in the .INF file '%s' must be quoted - Line #%d. 13 The .INF file '%s' contains a bad disk ID value in a [Source Media Description] line - Line #%d. 14 The [Default File Settings] section of the .INF file '%s' contains a badly formed value - Line #%d. 15 The [Default File Settings] section of the .INF file '%s' contains an unknown Overwrite value - Line #%d. 16 The [Default File Settings] section of the .INF file '%s' contains an unrecognized option - Line #%d. 17 Bad Disk ID value in .INF file description line of '%s' - Line #%d. 18 The INF file '%s' contains a badly formed line - too few fields (commas) - Line #%d. 19 The INF file '%s' contains a badly formed line that starts with a quoted string at the left margin which is NOT followed by an equal sign - Line #%d. 20 .INF Section is invalid: %s 21 The .INF file '%s' contains a duplicate section name - Line #%d. 22 Error in chapter number sequence - Chapter %s. 25 K 30 copy %s%s %s /v 31 del %s%s 32 _mssetup.exe 33 _mssetup.bat 34 *?:<>|/" 35 aux,prn,con,lpt1,lpt2,lpt3,lpt4,lpt5,lpt6,lpt7,lpt8,lpt9,recycled 64 Bad Append value in '%s' - Line #%d. 65 Bad Backup value in '%s' - Line #%d. 66 Bad Copy value in '%s' - Line #%d. 67 Bad Date value in '%s' - Line #%d. 68 Bad Decompress value in '%s' - Line #%d. 69 Bad Destination value in '%s' - Line #%d. 70 Bad Overwrite value in '%s' - Line #%d. 71 Bad ReadOnly value in '%s' - Line #%d. 72 Bad Remove value in '%s' - Line #%d. 73 Bad Rename value in '%s' - Line #%d. 74 Bad Root value in '%s' - Line #%d. 75 Bad SetTimeStamp value in '%s' - Line #%d. 76 Bad Shared value in '%s' - Line #%d. 77 Bad File Size value in '%s' - Line #%d. 78 Bad System value in '%s' - Line #%d. 79 Bad Copy Time value in '%s' - Line #%d. 81 Bad Version value in '%s' - Line #%d. 82 Bad Vital value in '%s' - Line #%d. 83 There is not enough memory to install. Please close all open applications before continuing.\n\nAre you ready to continue?'%s' 129 Fatal error in Install. Install may be corrupted. 131 Could not create directory '%s'. There may be a file on this drive with the same name as one of the directories you specified. 132 Destination directory is read-only. 133 Script or .DLL has been corrupted. Unable to load dialog template '%s'. 134 Unable to initialize the decompression engine. 136 Cannot change properties of the file named: '%s'. 137 Unable to backup '%s'. 138 File Copy operation failed - incorrect number of bytes written to disk - source file or destination disk may be corrupted - use ChkDsk. Dest: '%s' Source: '%s'. 139 Could not remove file named '%s'. 140 Could not open '%s'. 141 Could not read from '%s'. 142 Could not write to '%s'. 143 A general error while trying to decompress files from '%s'. 144 The compressed archive '%s' is corrupted. 145 The archive '%s' was compressed using an unknown technique. 146 The archive '%s' cannot transfer file(s):\n\n%s 147 Could not process the system file '%s'. The Restart directory is not set.